in rural Paris, Iowa, and Wordpress

This Old, Old House

Pending a determination of the permanent unifying theme of this blog, the interim, temporary unifying theme is going to be “whatever is on Steve’s mind.”

Keep on reading!

Interim Status Report

I am still working diligently to come up with some unifying theme for this blog. I may have to redeem some empties and hire one of those internet marketing specialists for a consultation.

In the meantime here is a photo of a hen named Maude. As you can see, Maude is by nature a rather judgmental sort.

In Anticipation of my Return

It’s been awhile now. I have been thinking about this blog recently. I am determined to return with some regularity. The blog, however, does need a unifying theme–something that it has never had–something to tie it all together. That probably should have something to do with the elderly, grumpy, eccentric, rural recluse that I have become.

Keep on reading!